Zenplate Quickstart
This will show you how to install, configure, and use Zenplate.
Clone the repo
pushd ~
git clone https://github.com/camratchford/zenplate
Create a virtual environment and install the package
cd zenplate
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .
(Optional) Set up the recommended workspace layout
mkdir -p ~/zenplate/templates ~/zenplate/output ~/zenplate/vars
cd ~/zenplate
zenplate --export-config --config-file zenplate.yml
echo 'source ~/zenplate/venv/bin/activate' >> .zenplaterc
echo 'export ZENPLATE_CONFIG_FILE="'$PWD'/zenplate.yml"' >> .zenplaterc
source .zenplatetrc
(Alternative to the workspace layout) link the python script to your path
ln -s ~/zenplate/venv/bin/zenplate /usr/local/bin/zenplate
Usage Examples
Single File Templating
Make a new directory where your zenplate project files will reside (if you didn't already set up a workspace).
mkdir -p ~/zenplate_project/templates ~/zenplate_project/output ~/zenplate_project/vars
Create a new template file in the templates
directory. For this example we will be making a simple README.md file.
echo "# {{ project_name }}" > ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
echo "{{ project_description }}" >> ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
echo "## Installation" >> ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
echo "```shell" >> ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
echo "pip install {{ project_package_name }}" >> ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
echo "```" >> ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md
Create your variables file in the vars
echo "project_name: My Project" > ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
echo "project_description: This is a project description" >> ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
echo "project_package_name: my-project" >> ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
Run the zenplate command to render the template.
zenplate --var-file ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml ~/zenplate_project/templates/README.md ~/zenplate_project/output/README.md
Directory Templating
If you haven't already gone through the previous example, do so now as we will be reusing the template and variables, adding onto them.
Create a new directory in the templates
mkdir -p ~/zenplate_project/templates/{{\ project_slug\ }}
Create a new template file in the new directory.
echo 'print("Welcome to {{ project_name }}!\n Copyright '{{ project_author }}' {{ project_copyright }}.")' > ~/zenplate_project/templates/{{\ project_slug\ }}/main.py
Add the variables we just used to the variables file.
echo "project_slub: my_project" >> ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
echo "project_author: Your Name" >> ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
echo "project_copyright: $(date +'%Y')" >> ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml
Run the zenplate command to render the template.
zenplate --var-file ~/zenplate_project/vars/vars.yml ~/zenplate_project/templates ~/zenplate_project/output
Next Steps
Check out the examples included in the examples directory. These examples will show you how to use the plugin system to extend Zenplate's functionality.